Monday, 30 January 2012

How to embed the Google Analytics Code

-How to embed the Google Analytics Code-

1)      Know your FTP Account of the Web server which hosts your site.
2)      Log into the FTP Account of your site
3)      Revise the source as below
4)      Ctrl+F to find “</head>” as we need to embed the code before </head>
5)      Please see the part which I marked in yellow
6)      This is the location for your Google Analytics code for you to place.

*Before making any changes, please copy and paste and save the entire original source file for each page in case of error or problem after implementing a new code into the site.
*ftp is a program like rftp and so on
Download the program and insert the server IP along with ID&PW
Once you logged into the site, you will be able to revise the code

Sunday, 29 January 2012

how to increase the revenue in air transportation service

nothing much ... when you increase keyword penetration and reach aggressively, when you include ad copies which give 'inpsiration value' to searchers and when you ensure that u are 'always' available for any search for all strategic keywords
 growth comes without much issue.

And of course... ensure that you have attractive Site links... have prices on ad copies when applicable etc  ad copies with inspiration value  = ' Experience the Leading Business Airline in to Asia'