Friday, 25 October 2013

Naver Brand Search

Have just read this article ( that Google is testing incredibly large banner ads for specific branded queries. So I think it would be interesting to share similar things existed in Baidu and Naver. It has been there for a long time such incredibly large banner ads in both engines. Baidu calls it BRAND ZONE, Naver calls it BRAND SEARCH.

This is how it looks like

Baidu BRAND ZONE with a keyword "Apple" in Korean.
Naver BRAND SEARCH with a keyword "Apple" in Korean.

      1) to enhance the brand awareness by providing rich media formatted multiple links and info.
      2) CVR/ CTR will be increased significantly.
Available on Desktop, Tablet, Mobile
Location of your ads: Uppermost section in the search result page
Pricing model: Start from 500 USD
           Cost will be calculated based on the two things
              1) last 30days impression
              2) duration of your campaign. (minimum 7 days to max 90 days)
Process: please send email to ""

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Yandex the currency is not Russian ruble

What I keep forgetting is that the currency in Yandex is not Russian ruble but Yandex units (1 y.u=30 rub).
So to calculate the spends for your Yandex campaign is spends times 30.
Usually there is a certain % of discount. If that is 5% then, it should be

= spends *30* 0.95

Saturday, 2 March 2013

[AdWords Basics] PageRank

In Google's organic results, relevancy to the user's query is determined by over 200 factors, one of which is the PageRank for a given page. PageRank is the measure of the importance of a page based on the incoming links from other pages. In simple terms, each link from site A to a page on site B adds to site B's PageRank.