Tuesday, 12 July 2011

How are these search engines in Korea different from Google/ Yahoo?

(source of the image is http://digitallearner.blogspot.com/)

In Korea, Google and Naver are compared quite often from a point of view that they are the world and local top search based site respectively. But personally I think that the service operation and corporate management are considerably different. The two companies are showing significant differences from the philosophy. The difference in between the philosophy brings about the difference in technology and this leads the distinction in corporation culture and service. (Compared to Google, this is the reason for Naver receiving relatively more blame on the difference in the philosophy of the two companies will start.)

Let's see their business models. Goal for Naver is to maximize the users time spend in the site. The longer they stay the more number of pages they will see and the ad revenue would grow. In order to do this, Naver is trying hard to make people stay in their site even for the users who come for just searching things and find information. The Naver who took the medal of Korea's top site over from Daum because of the search service, Jisikin is now changing to much more like and total service portal site as they have to make users to stay in their site with more information and attractive contents in the site. This is why the home page of Naver is getting more and more complicated. To hold the users longer in the site, they accumulate the information in their own site and provide them. Because of the overflowing information, users start to wander in the site forgetting the original objective initially why they have visit the site. (As a joke, Koreans say that they visit Naver site when they are boring as they provides abundant interesting information they can enjoy forgetting how the time passes.)

Unlike Naver, objective of Google is making people to leave as soon as possible by providing the most relevant and accurate information quickly. They consider it is a failure if the user stays in their site for long as for them it means they are not getting good enough answer to their queries. The shorter time users spend in the Google site, they might have lesser chance to expose their ads and would reduce the ad profit. But users will visit again as they find what they want only from Google quickly and easily. By doing so, it will increase the frequency of the user's visit to their site and alternatively it will return the revenue. That is why unlike Naver, home page of Google is still has only one search box. It will be very influential if Google allows advertisers to use their main page but that will be a interference of user's search activities and they will lose trust from the users. Google is aware of that this will affect them negatively in the long term perspective. Consequently without home page banner an ad, Google is growing fast enough as a world top a medium of advertisement online.

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