Monday 30 January 2012

How to embed the Google Analytics Code

-How to embed the Google Analytics Code-

1)      Know your FTP Account of the Web server which hosts your site.
2)      Log into the FTP Account of your site
3)      Revise the source as below
4)      Ctrl+F to find “</head>” as we need to embed the code before </head>
5)      Please see the part which I marked in yellow
6)      This is the location for your Google Analytics code for you to place.

*Before making any changes, please copy and paste and save the entire original source file for each page in case of error or problem after implementing a new code into the site.
*ftp is a program like rftp and so on
Download the program and insert the server IP along with ID&PW
Once you logged into the site, you will be able to revise the code

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